Wednesday, February 18, 2009

DMC Software Identifies How CRM Can Guide Small Businesses Through the Recession

DMC Software Identifies How CRM Can Guide Small Businesses Through the Recession

DMC Software Solutions, an award winning Sage and Microsoft Gold Business Partner, demonstrates how small businesses can utilise Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to navigate through the turbulent economic conditions.

(Vocus) February 18, 2009 -- DMC Software Solutions, an award winning ( Sage and Microsoft Gold Business Partner (, demonstrates how small businesses can utilise Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to navigate through the turbulent economic conditions.

The UK is currently in the thick of a recession and it is the decisions that small businesses make today that will shape their future. There is a thin line separating success and failure, and the difference could be CRM.

Mike Ramsay, Managing Director of DMC Software expressed, "A CRM solution ( enables businesses to safeguard revenue and profitability by facilitating quality customer service, customer loyalty and repeat purchases. For many small businesses cutting costs seems like the best option moving forward, but during an economic downturn it is more important for companies to look for a solution that will provide them with the tools to increase efficiency and productivity."

A CRM system allows a business to record all account and contact details including a history of each exchanged communication. This information resides in one central location where it can be accessed by users from different departments. Not only does a CRM system allow better communication with a company's client base it also improves internal communications, an equally vital component of quality service and strong client relationships.

How CRM can help Your Business?

A well implemented CRM solution ( can provide a business with many opportunities to utilise available resources and optimise more profitable activity. CRM is an increasingly popular solution to support operational improvements, enabling a business to:

•    Protect and grow revenue

•    Plan time more efficiently

•    Reduce administration costs

•    Streamline business processes

•    Quickly recognise and correct issues

•    Prepare for economic recovery

•    Identify revenue opportunities within the existing client base

•    Utilise resources to maximum effect

DMC Software is a company that is experienced in providing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (, Accounts and integrated business solutions for businesses of all sizes, across a broad range of industries. With advanced development abilities DMC can tailor a solution to meet the exact requirements of a business, providing the tools and supporting services to increase efficiency and profitability.

For more information on the CRM solutions and professional services ( available from DMC Software visit Alternatively, call FREEPHONE 0800 6522 423 to speak to a member of the sales staff.

For more information please contact Jade Dixon-Winters, Marketing Executive.

Tel:    01733 362120


Contact Information Jade Winters

DMC Software Solutions


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